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The MA Programme

This is a two-year programme. The MA History programme is a two-year course divided into four-semester. A student is required to complete 80 credits for the completion of course and the award of degree.

Part I > First Year > Semester I > Semester II
Part II > Second Year > Semester III > Semester IV

The students are required to take Two Core Courses at the beginning and end of the MA programme. We have identified five Open Elective papers from which two Open Elective Courses will be offered to students from other disciplines each academic year. The largest numbers of courses in the MA Programme are Elective courses. In MA Part I (MA Previous) we have Thirty-Two (32) Elective Papers from which a selected number will be offered each semester in the North and South Campus of Delhi University. Students of MA Part I are required to choose seven courses each academic year from this list – three (3) in Semester 1 and four (4) in Semester 2.

In MA Part II (MA Final) we stream students according to their preferred specialisation in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Histories. We offer fifteen (15) courses in Ancient History; twenty-two (22) courses in Medieval History; and twenty-seven (27) courses in Modern History. Not all of these courses are taught every academic year but enough are offered to give students sufficient choice. Students are required to take seven (7) Elective Courses from the many that are taught each year – four (4) courses in the third semester and three (3) in the fourth semester.

  • For each Core and Elective Course there will be 4 lecture hours of teaching per
  • Open Electives to the maximum total of 8
  • Duration of examination of each paper shall be 3
  • Each paper will be of 100 marks out of which 70 marks shall be allocated for semester examination and 30 marks for internal
PG COURSES - Core-Elective and Open Elective courses - MA1+2 (15JULY2019)

MA List of Papers Semester II April 2021

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