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The M.Phil programme

This is a two year programme with one year of course work during which students take three courses on different aspects of research methodologies and the Historians Craft. All courses are discussion based and writing intensive. All students are given a Research Advisory Committee (RAC) consisting of a Supervisor and two faculty members as advisors. In the second year they write a thesis of at least 25,000 words.

Enrolment in the M.Phil Programme is very competitive; only 7% of all applicants are admitted in the programme. Virtually all of them go on for a PhD and 70% become teachers. Others go into media, journalism, law or NGO work.

M.Phil Schedule of Lectures for MPhil Course, 1-2021

The Ph.D programme

This research programme is organised to build upon the skills gained by students in the M.Phil. All entering students take a six month long research methodology course devised by their supervisor and their Research Advisory Committee. All Ph.D students are members of the Department Research Forum that meets every month to discuss research problems and progress, and discuss draft chapters. Students work on a wide range of themes. They use National and International archives and receive diverse national and international awards to fund their research.

There is intense competition for Ph.D admission with only 6% of all applicants getting selected.

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