Syllabus and Scheme of Examination for B.A. History Honours and B.A.Programme
Three year full time Programme: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
The Department of History is one of the founding departments of the University of Delhi and its Honours and Programme courses are regarded as the strongest in the country. There are few reputed Departments of History in the world that do not have teachers and students that received instruction in History at Delhi University. We believe that History is a discipline which instructs students on how to read and process data on people, societies, cultures, events and places that are far removed in time and space from our own experience. A knowledge of this past is critical in understanding the ways in which our world is connected and responds to its history in sometimes overt and at other times more complex ways that is missed by most people.
At a general level, our courses are structured with the objective of giving requisite information about different aspects of the past to students, to teach them how to parse this information, instruct them on how historians research, frame an argument and debate details that have significance to how we understand the past and the present. The outcome is to provide students with a sense of how interconnected our present is with the past, how learning about the past provides them with the skills to understand the present. To facilitate this understanding, our courses, class room instruction and assignments give students the ability to think and reach their own conclusions. Our tutorial discussions, written assignments, class room presentations, field-work projects, consolidate their ability to analyse, research and process information.
The duration of the BA History Honours Programme is three academic years. Each academic year is divided into two semesters. The History Honours Programme therefore spans six semesters. Each semester is for the duration of sixteen weeks.
The teaching and learning modalities in the Honours programme will involve theory classes (lectures) of one hour each and tutorial classes. The curriculum will be taught through formal lectures with the aid, wherever the teacher feels the need, of power-point presentations, audio and video tools. There are additional requirements in certain courses for documentaries, cinema, field and archival work, visits to museums, class reports, discussions and project work. These are built into the teaching and assessment of many courses. Assessment is in two parts. The first comprises internal evaluation of term papers, presentations, exams, and project work which is carried out throughout the term and comprises 25% of the final grade. The second is the end of semester examination which comprises 75% of the final grade.
The programme consists of six and four credit courses. The six credit course will comprise of theory classes (five credits) and tutorials (one credit). The four credit courses will comprise solely of theory classes. Each credit is equivalent to one hour of class-room instruction per week.
To acquire a degree in BA History Honours a student must study fourteen Core Courses (CC) – two each in semesters 1 and 2, three each in semesters 3 and 4, and two each in semesters 5 and 6. These are compulsory courses of six credits each.
The student also needs to take four Discipline Specific Elective Courses (DSE). DSE papers are elective and out of the fourteen offered, students have to select any four – two each in semesters 5 and 6. These are all of six credits each.
Students are also required to take four interdisciplinary General Elective Courses (GE). GE papers are elective, and students can take any four courses offered in cognate disciplines by the different departments in their colleges. They have to opt for one course in each of the semesters 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Department of History lists ten GE papers in its Honours curriculum. These are of six credits each and open to enrollment for Honours students from other disciplines.
Students are expected to take two discipline centred Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC). There are six SEC courses offered by the Department of History in semesters 3 and 4. Students are required to opt for one SEC paper in each of these semesters. These are of four credit each.
Additionally they must also take two Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC), one each in semesters 1 and 2. The AECC courses, are of four credit each. Please note that AECC courses are not in history. The two courses are: AECC 1, English/ Hindi/ Urdu Communication, and AECC 2, Environmental Sciences.
The curriculum of B.A. Programme in History offers students access to recent historiography in the field organised in a pedagogical form that is accessible and interesting. It is structured for students in an inter-disciplinary programme providing them with a concise and thorough introduction to the discipline of History and remaining sensitive to the cognate discipline that they are also studying. It seeks to provide multiple points of intersection with disciplines in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, communicating modes by which a historical sensibility can enrich analysis and problem solving. The B.A. Programme is flexible to their needs and works with the objective of trying to achieve observable intellectual outcomes through its three year duration.
The B.A. History Programme is organised to provide the greatest flexibility to its students. There are Core Disciplinary papers that provide the fundamental knowledge in the discipline of history and in the study of the History of India and the World. The programme is otherwise envisaged to provide a large amount of choice so that students can tailor their education on the basis of their interests. These provide not just skills in history but also a vital skill in other disciplines as well. The B.A. History Programme course is interdisciplinary keeping in mind that specialisation in History is the key to access cognate skills from other disciplines. With its mix of Core, Discipline Specific Electives and Skill Enhancement Courses it provides multiple points where students can participate in inter-disciplinary reflections on cross-cutting themes.
The duration of the BA History Programme is three academic years. Each academic year is divided into two semesters. The B.A. History Programme therefore spans six semesters. Each semester is for the duration of sixteen weeks. The teaching and learning modalities in the B.A. History Programme will involve theory classes (lectures) of one hour each and tutorial classes. The curriculum will be taught through formal lectures with the aid, wherever the teacher feels the need, of power-point presentations, audio and video tools. There are additional requirements in certain courses for documentaries, cinema, field and archival work, visits to museums, class reports, discussions and project work. These are built into the teaching and assessment of many courses. The curriculum includes majors in Core Courses (CCs), of which four Core Courses are in the discipline of History while the remaining are from other subjects in which the B.A. Programme student is enrolled. A student of B.A. History Programme would also need to complete two Discipline Specific Elective Courses (DSEs) in History, and two Inter-disciplinary Generic Electives offered by cognate disciplines. Each of the Core Courses, Discipline Specific Elective Courses and Generic Elective Courses are of six credits each. The B.A. History Programme also includes minors in four discipline-centred Skill Enhancement Courses, with each of these four courses carrying four credits. BA Programme students of non-history stream and students of B.Com Programme can also opt for the History courses specifically designed in lieu of M.I.L. These courses are of six credits and are offered in the first/ second and third/fourth Semster.
1st Semester Papers | 2nd Semester Papers | 3rd Semester Papers | 4th Semester Papers | 5th Semester | B.A Programme